Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Better Late Than Never

So I've dropped the ball...actually is there a saying that's worse than dropping the ball. If so, I've done that! It's been a good 3 months since I've written a blog post and updated you all with what's been happening in our classroom and I'm SO sorry! I was flipping through my pictures on my phone and realized wow...I have great stuff to share but haven't taken the time to do it. So here it is. 

I'm going to start with October. Always a fun and jam packed month. Our school did some AMAZING bulletin boards for this month I just had to share! 

On Halloween we read the story How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin, then estimated how many seeds we believed were in our pumpkin. That night I went home, dried the seeds in the oven (3 different times) to make sure each pumpkin's number of seeds was accurate.

 Halloween day we sorted the seeds into various groups. The book gave us a good idea of how to properly sort them to be the most efficient. We ended up having a LOT of seeds to count. If you have helpers, now would be the time to include them. Boy was this a lot to manage. 

We ended up having the most seeds in the smallest pumpkin (just like the book). This is because the number of lines in a pumpkin  = more seeds.  The smallest pumpkin had the most lines, thus the most seeds. This was still challenging for my kids to realize, but most of them got it. 

We had lots of fun and did a few other Halloween activities for reading and writing, but unfortunately those pictures have not made it to January. I promise to be better from here on out and will send updates soon!